Luckily, that doesn't have to be you! Blitzcrank is extremely useful in ARAM due to the close, action-packed nature of the map. Even if you don't land each pull (which you shouldn't), with a silence and a knockup, you can still be a huge asset to your team.
Guides love to list an ideal build, but this isn't math class - following a formula will rarely lead to success. Items are always situational, and while some items are nonnegotiable except in very rare circumstances, you should always think about who you're playing. Against 4 AP champs? Build some magic resist! Have 4 AP champs on your team? Build some AD!
I cannot emphasize enough how much Seraph's Embrace synergizes with Blitz's kit on this map. His pull should always be on cooldown, so you should have no trouble stacking it. Having a huge mana pool increases your passive's shield if you get caught in a tough situation, plus the Embrace's active shield can further soak up damage.
That being said, here are a few builds that are good templates which you can adapt to your specific match.
AP Decimation - This is the build I prefer against well-balanced teams. Landing your pull and ulting should take out a massive chunk of HP, and your knockup will ensure that your teammates finish them off. Start with your tear to make sure it stacks; the rest is situational.
Contrary to many AP Blitz guides, I do not advise trying to build a Rod of Ages. This isn't Summoner's Rift, and the game will probably not last long enough for it to cap. That being said, Seraph's Embrace can be replaced if you aren't comfortable being a little squishier.
Iceborn Gauntlet --- Sorcerer's Shoes --- Rabadon's Deathcap --- Seraph's Embrace --- Abyssal Scepter/Void Staff --- Hextech Gunblade / Twin Shadows / Rylai's Crystal Scepter
AD Fistcrank - If I'm on a team of mostly AP champs, I'll often go AD to make sure that they can't get MR and shut us down. The objective here is to build tanky and build AD. Start with your tear to make sure it gets charged.
Manamune - Iceborn Gauntlet - Ravenous Hydra - Ionian Boots of Lucidity / Berserker's Greaves -
Against Heavy AP - If you're against heavy AP, chances are they will have a healer, which means you're that much more important. Catch the squishies and crush them quickly! Itemization is very similar to the above, with more MR to exploit their lack of diversity.
Iceborn Gauntlet --- Mercury's Treads --- Banshee's Veil --- Abyssal Scepter --- Seraph's Embrace --- Mercurial Scimitar / Twin Shadows / Hextech Gunblade
Against Heavy AD - This is rather rare, but it can happen!
Iceborn Gauntlet - Sorcerer's Shoes - Zhonya's Hourglass - Frozen Heart / Randuin's Omen - Seraph's Embrace - Hextech Gunblade / Twin Shadows / Rylai's Crystal Scepter
AD Blitzcrank
AP Blitzcrank
ARAM Blitz is all about your utility. Your pull is a great long-distance grass checker, not to mention the fact that having your entire team nearby means that landing it guarantees that the enemy will take a huge chunk of damage or at least burn flash quickly.
Many Blitzcranks make the mistake of being one-sided when they pull. They'll either always pull into the grass or they'll hover around the bottom of the map near the health kit spawns. Aiming the pull can be hard enough; being predictable only compounds the factors working against you.
Be careful when pushing turrets after 6! The passive on your ult can deal damage to an enemy champion and pull turret aggro.
A disclaimer: Since you want to pull so frequently, prepare for a comment or two about your accuracy. Just ignore it and carry on; your contribution will show itself once the blood starts flowing :)
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